Back in the saddle again

Yep, it was post painting time for me once again this morning after the staff meeting that lasted better than an hour.  The temps are up, the humidity is up, but I’m on a mission to paint all of these posts before I leave here next month.  When I can leave first thing in the morning, I generally get 20 various posts painted before I fizzle out. 


By the time I got out of the meeting, gathered my supplies, and gassed up the refuge truck, it was 10:00 o’clock today.  That didn’t bode well for reaching a 20 post average.

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Of course I always bring my cameras along, and that meant I had a nice view of this young bald eagle today near the Chippewa picnic area. 


A couple of weeks ago, this youngster’s constant screeching for food about drove me nuts for three hours as I painted all of the posts around the picnic area.  I was happy to see today that it has finally fledged off of the nearby nest, and wasn’t quite so vocal.  At this stage in their life, they probably weigh more than their adult parents.  It has a lot of learning to do in the next 4-5 years.  I wish it well, and hope it learns its lessons well enough to be one of the survivors.

I only got 11 posts painted today before I had to return to the rig for a fresh set of clothes.  It was into the 90’s by noon, and with the humidity and stillness of the air, my clothes were soaked through with perspiration (I’ve been told ladies don’t say sweat Winking smile). 


After lunch, I made my weekly circuit of the refuge roads to restock all of the brochures in the kiosks.  It always amazes me how many brochures are taken each week.  I think lots more people visit this refuge than gets recorded.  I’m pleased to know that, buy it still surprises me since we’re a bit off the beaten track.

I found another pair of trumpeter swans with two rather young surviving signets today.  It’s almost September, so I hope they have enough time to grow up and move on by the time the lakes start to freeze. 

There’s a severe thunderstorm watch posted for tonight.  Emma and I just got back into the rig from outside before the skies opened up.  With as dry as it has been, I hope we get a good easy rain tonight.  With the skies rumbling away, I put Emma in her thunder shirt.  It sure seems to help her quit that constant pacing that drives me up the wall.  All the noise from the thunder made me remember what my mother told me when I was little.  She said all that noise was people bowling up in heaven.  I guess the fall bowling leagues have started…

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy  


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