Another 19 posts painted today

A couple of days ago, my blogger virtual friend Merikay wrote about Re-Learning to See.  It got me thinking.  I always try to see the little details around me during my days, but a reminder to stop, and look, and wonder, is always welcome.  So as I headed out to paint my 19 posts for the day, I kept that in mind.  I hope you enjoy what I found today.


There was a pretty heavy fog around this morning as a result of the rain last night, and the abnormally high temps and humidity.  I just had to stop the truck and admire these delicate spider webs that were made so visible by the foggy dew.  Each of us creatures on earth make our own way through this world, but what beauty and symmetry I observed in the high branches.  Yep, it was one of those times to stop, and look, and wonder…  Of course, the guy in the Speedy Delivery van gave me on odd look, and probably didn’t appreciate me stopping in the middle of the road with my door open.  Disappointed smile

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After I finished my first four posts in the blazing hot sun, I headed across the street to paint the more shaded gate posts for the River Road Trail.  The gate was bordered on each side by large boulders left by the glaciers in times long past.  But I just had to wonder about these bluish lichens that were living on the boulders.  I sure wished I had my friend Jack’s macro lens when I took these shots.


When you are out painting posts by yourself for six hours a day, you have a lot of time to ponder things.  This sign made me ponder.  Do you see what’s wrong with this picture?


Yeah, some idiot with a shotgun decided to take a blast at this sign that designates a handicapped accessible fishing pier.  What’s up with that?  Can anyone explain to me why some people think it’s so macho to shoot at signs?  In my mind it ranks right up there with throwing your trash out your vehicle window.  However, I’d like you all to notice the beautiful stain job on the sign posts!  Open-mouthed smile

73 Tamarac NWR, 201329

I tried to identify the wild flowers in tonight’s post, but after consulting my Minnesota wildflower book I’m still not sure.

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I’m hoping the guru of Minnesota wildflowers, and fellow blogger that writes Far Side of Fifty, will help me out here. 


I also found some little red berries ripening.  They looked luscious, but since I don’t know what they are, I wasn’t about to taste them no matter how much I was tempted.

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So, it was a day observing and enjoying the little things in life as I made my way through painting today’s 19 posts.  Thanks, Merikay, for the reminder.

Since I’m leaving on Thursday for a weekend down in Rochester for my Mayo Clinic appointments, I decided to do a load of laundry tonight in preparation.  I figured I’d just hang the clothes out on the line tonight, and they’d dry tomorrow during this continued hot spell.  What I didn’t count on was hanging the clothes out just at dusk.  Uff-da!  I was reminded in a very short time that the mosquitoes are still here in full force at dusk, and I was wearing shorts.  You can guess the results.  I have to quit now to scratch my legs!

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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