
Dear Hubs, the other day when it was pouring down rain, you drove from across town just to pick me up and take me to class so I didn't have to walk in the rain. It's the small things that make me fall in love all over again. Dear Sunshine, so nice of you to finally join us. Stay a bit won't you? 
Dear Zeke, you have this new habit of whenever hubs and I argue, you run from the other room and sit on my lap. This could either mean a) you're telling me I'm too loud and need to calm down or b) you're taking my side. I choose to believe the latter.
Excuse the blurry photo. He likes to sit sideways in his basket and rock back & forth.
Dear Jjimjilbang (Korean bath house), after avoiding you for two years, a few friends and I finally braved the awkwardness of being neked in front of a bunch of Koreans and went to the bath house. Best.thing.ever. (more details to come!) Dear Friend, I'm so excited that I actually get to use my fashion major this weekend! Can't wait to play stylist in your closet! Dear Readers, I really want to answer back to each and every one of your sweet comments but I can't reply to some because you're no-reply commentors. Dear Friend, the day before you left Korea you let me and another friend cut and buzz all of your hair off. You're my hero. I think every woman has been tempted to do this at one point or another and you actually did it! And might I add, you look like a bad-a.

Happy weekend friends! Hope the good weather sticks around so we can enjoy the outdoors and possibly go relax in our hammock to soak in the sun!

Linking up with AshleyJeanLaurenKerryChrissyKenzie


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