birthdays are for celebrating!

Today's R's 28th birthday- hooray! Honestly, I get more excited about it than he does, but hopefully the enthusiasm is infectious. We had a pancake breakfast celebration this morning before he set out for work with plans to celebrate with friends this evening and into the weekend. 
Please wish him a happy birthday if you get the chance!
I could go on but suffice it to say I am so thankful for this man in my life and all of the adventures we have every day!
Here's a look back at a few of the adventures:

this is one of R's favorite pictures of us in the middle-of-nowhere Sichuan province January 2010
Chiang Mai, Thailand-February 2010
September 5, 2010
North Carolina- May 2011
Antico Pizza- Atlanta, GA- October 2011

Bartlesville, Oklahoma- November 2012
Shenyang, China- January 2013
Happy Birthday R! Love you much!


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