Resurrection Day

Today we're celebrating the gift of new life and the power of the resurrection. In Chinese, Easter is actually called "resurrection day" (复活节-fu4huo2jie2) which I like. We're remembering and reveling in the most important aspect of our faith with new friends and a new community.

We're not with this part of our family, like last year.
Easter Sunday in Atlanta 2012 with R's whole family
Or these dear friends, who's fellowship made life in Atlanta so spiritually rich.
we miss these friends SO MUCH! especially on Easter.
We're not even near any of these people who were light and life last time we were abroad.
Easter 2009 with some of my favorites!
But we did celebrate here today. And it was sweet and sad all at once. Which is a bit like the cross.
Easter 2013
 Wherever you're celebrating Easter, I pray you'll have the chance to reflect on the hope of new life that's promised today and always. Despite being near or far from loved ones, Christ is always with us and that comfort is real.
He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!


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