Buying a little more time?

When I went to the doctor two weeks ago to get some relief from my painful hip, the doctor told me that a hip replacement was probably in my future.  He prescribed some meds to see if that would buy me a little more time.  I had the option of taking one or two of the pills once a day.  I started with one pill a day.  The first day there was a miraculous difference in the lessening of the amount of pain, but along with that came some nausea.  I worked through the nausea and it subsided after a couple of days.  However, after two weeks the effects of the pill also lessened.  All day yesterday and last night were very painful.  Since I didn’t have to work today, I decided to up the dosage to the two pills.  I didn’t want to do that on a day I had to work just in case the nausea returned.


In addition, I also went to CVS and purchased a cane.  I hated to make that concession, but what a difference those two decisions have made for me today.  By using the cane, it takes a lot of pressure off of the hip with each step.  I could actually smile instead of grimace as I walked along.  At least I got one with bright butterflies painted on it.  In my head, using a cane is like wearing one of those beaded things around your neck to hold your glasses.  It’s for old ladies.  Well, this old lady is here to tell you that you had better behave, or I’ll whack you with my cane!  Winking smile

I felt chipper enough this evening to take Emma for a drive in the car to see what we could see.  What a grand time we had.

69  Pea Island & Alligator River NWRs  201214

As we headed down Buffalo City Road, a female bear and her cubs were in the road.  Mom quickly headed for the woods, but the youngsters were a little reluctant to follow.  They had to sniff around and wrestle a little before getting off of the road.

69  Pea Island & Alligator River NWRs  201213

One youngster came back out to investigate something in the road.  It was a miniature canoe paddle that was about two feet long.  What a treat is was for Emma and me to watch this young fellow or gal spend some time playing.  Just like a little kid with a cardboard box! 


Then we were off to stop at the old bridge that goes from Manns Harbor to Manteo across the Croatan Sound.  This is the bridge where up to 100,000 purple martins roost each evening.  I wanted to experience their arrival before they all head south for the fall migration.


There’s a wonderful public pier with built in benches that offers the perfect view of the bridge with the setting sun behind you.  You’ll have to take my word for it that there are about fifty martins in the sky above the bridge in this photo.  It was a thrilling experience to watch all of the birds come in from every direction  just as the sun was setting.


And what a sunset it was over the Croatan Sound!  Hopefully the cane and pills will buy me some more time so I can continue to enjoy these experiences while I’m here.


                                                                                THE END!!

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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