Sweet Home Alabama

It was a pretty sweet day today, but before I get into my travels, I have to share a little incident from this morning as I was trying to leave the refuge.  Volunteers come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities.  A couple that I had volunteered with at this refuge last year arrived last night for their three month stint.  I was happy that I didn’t miss meeting up with Katie and Bruce again before I left town.  They are a hard working volunteer couple that are a joy to be around.  Like me, they pretty much mind their own business.  There is another couple here that works hard, but the husband’s mission in life is to get into everyone else's business, and all the politics that are involved in any refuge they are at.  He drives some of us crazy.  I must say he was instrumental in getting my rig out of the campsites this morning.  It took a half an hour, and I would have been more than a nervous wreck if I had done it myself. 

Now for the good part.  As I was out on the entrance road hooking up the toad, Katie and Bruce stopped by to tell me this tale.  It seems as soon as I left the campground, Mr. Busybody confronted Katie to find out what it was in the two little black plastic bags that I had given her just before I left.  You see, the camp dumpster is about a quarter mile away, and I had already gotten rid of my trash last night.  Rather than having to trudge over to the dumpster, Katie had agreed to take Emma’s two little poop bags from this morning for me.  Ha Ha!  Had I known, I could have given Mr. Busybody two gifts from both of us everyday for the last three months!  You can bet I left with a giggle bubbling forth from me as I hit the road.

The 150 mile drive to the Isaac Creek COE campground near Camden, AL, was blissfully uneventful. 


I had reserved site #17 sight unseen over the internet a while back.  When I arrived, I went inside the entrance booth to register, and after talking to the hosts, they suggested I might want to change my site to #37 right on the Alabama River/Claiborne Lake.  They were so accommodating for me.  As I made the drive around the loop to arrive at site 37, I was happy they had suggested the change. 


I enjoy woodsy sites, but 37 had shade, a view along the river, and easy reception for my DISH.  For $10/night for water and electric, it doesn’t get much better than this. 


                               If I sit on the bench at the rear of my site, I have a nice view of the dam.


The other direction offers a nice river/lake view.  I’ll be here for a week just relaxing and visiting the area.  This place is pretty much out in the middle of nowhere, but with my trucker’s antenna and amplifier, I almost have full bars roaming.  I also set up the DISH for great reception in record time!  It was a sweet day to arrive in Alabama for sure!


                                                                                    Goodnight all…

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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