I quit!!!

After an incredibly boring day in the VC on Thursday, I decided to lock everything up at 3:00 and head for home.  There were only three visitors total for the day, and no one was in the parking lot.  So I made that executive decision, and just before I walked out the door, I shouted, “I Quit!”  Of course no one was there to hear me, but it made me feel good anyway.  My volunteer stint here at Mississippi Sandhill Crane NWR has come to an end for another year.  No farewell luncheon for us five volunteers leaving here this weekend this year.  It’s kind of anti-climatic.  We were each given a free pass for a boat trip to Ship Island, but by the time we got it, time had run out to use it.  I had thought of going today, but it’s an all day trip, and I had to get busy packing things up and getting ready to roll.  Since there is only one of me, it takes a little more time than with the couples. 


Yesterday, before I went into work John helped me fix one of my MCD shades. (passenger’s window)  The night shade would not retract.  I had called MCD a while back about it, and they sent me a new one of these:


It’s the spring that goes inside the shade roller that automatically pulls the shade back up.  The note inside the package that was supposed to be directions for installation turned out to say to call them for instructions.  John, being the handy person that he is, decided not to do that.  Instead, within 45 minutes, he had the whole thing figured out, the new spring installed, and mounted everything back where it belonged.  I found it very interesting to help him as he vocalizes his thinking as he goes along.  I learned a lot.  Should the other shade develop the same problem, I now think I could fix it myself with another pair of helpful hands.  I get by with a little help from my friends.  Send a kiss


I finished with my meds yesterday, so I was finally feeling half human today.  It’s a good thing because I had lots to do.  The rig has been sitting under several large live oak trees for months now, and had developed a brown coating on everything that was kind of like mold.  I broke out the ladder and my new gallon of ‘The Solution’ and went to work.  I was certainly not up to doing the entire rig, but I got the front 1/2 of it done and all the major windows.  While I found it marvelous to use on the fiberglass, I’m not that impressed with the film it left on the windows.  Seemed like I made a hundred trips up and down that six foot ladder today, and with all the rubbing with my arms, I’m thinking I might be a little stiff tomorrow.


I took a break at lunchtime and grilled a package of hotdogs that I had on hand for when the grandkids were going to visit.  Thanks goodness John and Diana joined me for a picnic lunch and ate up some of those dogs.  No way I was ever going to eat them all.  Then I packed away the grill, tablecloth, and my outside rug.  I piddled with several other packing things outside, and eventually called it a day.


Tomorrow I’ll check all the air in the tires, take down the DISH, and do the inside prep after stocking up on groceries.  I’m not sure when I’ll post next, as I have no idea whether or not I’ll have reception at the next two COE parks I’ll be staying at.  I guess I’ll just see you down the road…

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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