Haines Island Park

This afternoon Emma and I set off to discover what there was to see in the area around the Isaac Creek COE campground.  The host couple at the gate assured me that there was nothing to see.


Before we headed down the road, I stopped to view the other side of the dam along the Alabama River.  It’s getting hot down here in the south with temps nearing 90* today.


After driving around for about 20 miles, we did come upon the Haines Island Park.  It was down a road that eventually became unpaved.  The dirt roads down here are a bright orange/red.  That’s interesting.


There was a nice view from the top of the ridge by one of the picnic tables and playground.  We then headed down a steep curvy red road toward the river.


I found the campsites which are obviously for tenters along the Alabama River.  They were very secluded with lovely views of the river.  There was no water or bathrooms, so it is most rustic.  It was also empty of any campers.

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At the boat launch there was also a ferry across the river.  No one was around and there were no signs, so I’m not sure when it is in operation.  A neighbor at the campground later told me that on the other side is a very isolated community.  This is truly the back country of Alabama.

Other than this hardly used park, that was all we could find in the area.  I’m beginning to believe the hosts are correct!  I thought I could at least visit the Alabama River Heritage Museum, but the hosts said it has only been open one day so far this year.  Sad smile I guess there aren’t enough volunteers to man it.

Oh well, I guess I’ll just spend this week relaxing and reading…

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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