Finally made it to Anahuac NWR

At last, I pulled into the volunteer pads this afternoon about 2:30.  What a relief to finally get here. 


I’m rather proud to say that I backed into my assigned site on the first try without any mishaps!  I took my time about it, and I think it helped that I didn’t have an audience.  The pad is cement, but the approach to it is iffy.  It didn’t take me too long to get everything set up for an extended stay.  Of the eight RV spots, this one is my favorite.  I’ve come home for the next two months. 

As you can see, the skies were overcast all day, and the winds only increased as I made my way into Texas.  By the time I got here the northerly winds were blowing about 30 mph and cold!  Welcome to Texas.  Smile


Here’s what I found on the seat of the picnic table after I set up.  It’s an owl pellet, and it seems this owl dined on a digging rodent.  The owls can’t digest the bones and fur, so they spit them up in pellets. Everything that is digestible is gone.  I’m happy that there is an owl close by that is taking care of the rodents.  Better that they provide food for the owl than visit my rig!

Stephanie, the volunteer coordinator, stopped by this afternoon to say welcome.  After dark, my friend Colin and the two other volunteers showed up after a day spent in Lake Charles planting and transporting native plants for the refuge.  All of this is to help the refuge recover from the devastation of hurricane Ike several years ago.  It was great seeing Colin again.  He is from England, and has come to Anahuac to volunteer in the fall for the last nine years.  Because of my delays in getting here, we’ll only be working together for under two weeks.  Sad smile  Shucks!

Well, I’ve got to set my alarm tonight for the first time in about six months.  Ugh!  I need to leave here at 7:20 to drive the 10 miles to open up the VIS tomorrow.  It’s back to work (?) for me tomorrow, and I’m actually looking forward to it.  We’ll see how long that lasts…

63 On the way to Anahuac, 201120

Can you tell that Emma was thrilled that we finally arrived also?  She spent quite some time frolicking around playing with her little fox.  Sure beats the pavement of a repair shop parking lot!

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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