
I've actually spent every 4th of July in the US. Before this year it's consisted mostly of a low key day at my parents' beach condo followed by watching fireworks up and down the shoreline. This year R and I stayed in Atlanta without too much of a plan. We went to the Braves game on Saturday night with 2 others couples from our small group and counted that as our fill of fireworks and Americana.
We didn't really have big plans for the actual 4th of July, except for the invite from our next door neighbors. They are this fun engaged couple who rents the house next to us that R and I have been meaning to get to know. About a week ago she told R they were having a party and we were invited. Then a day or two later he told R to please stop by- the festivities would start around noon and end whenever everyone left. There would be food, a keg and beer pong... Not our typical type of party but we want to get to know the neighbors. The next day he told R some people would wear costumes... So needless to say the build-up to today was great.
And we were not disappointed. Our hosts were dressed as John Adams (complete with 3 corner hat) and Rosie the Riveter. Also in attendance were Sarah Palin in an american flag bikini, tiara and Miss Alaska sash; guy with a mullet & flag bandana; native american squaw, and a cowboy with a bull whip and a beer in his holster the whole day.
So as the day wore on, we saw people shooting of fireworks into the rain (drunk), playing flip cup (drunk), trying to crack a bull whip (drunk) and doing back flip back handspring (drunk). All in all we experienced more of America than we thought we could... and we are planning to go back for fireworks in a few hours! It really was a good start to getting to know the neighbors, as well as more surprising moments of reverse culture shock.


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