the catch 22 of blogging

I've known this for a while and considered it before starting this blog but it doesn't seem like there's any getting around the catch 22 of blogging. See the thing about blogging is, no one wants to read about how you folded laundry or drove to the grocery or went to work. People would rather read interesting anecdotes about interesting incidents in far away places. I read blogs to catch up on other people's lives and learn their perspective on life, but when I write my posts I feel this sense of pressure that I should be describing the most exciting events and clever observations of the intricacies of life (maybe like this post?). yet when I actually have time to write a blog post it's usually when my world has stopped being interesting or clever or exciting in any way. I usually want to post when I am putting off doing other things. And this is the catch 22 of blogging: when you have time to write a post, there's nothing to write about; and when things are happening that you would actually write about, you don't have time to write a post!
For instance, now I am in Orlando for some meetings for work. It is less than interesting and yet here I am in a missionary's empty furlough apartment with free wifi and nothing to wait on except for Glee to start. I will not bore you with complaints of strip malls and humidity- you are well acquainted if you've ever endured Otown and if you haven't, I should spare you the descriptions.


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