Paris is HAUTE!

What’s on my mind today—Paris! I find that I’m waking up everyday thinking about the City of Light. So that tells me one thing… it’s time to go back. But this time, I have something new in mind as I plan my next escape to a place that’s often felt like home. I’ve spent a great deal of time in the most fashionable and creative city on the planet over the years. Yes, it really is all that.
Now that I’ve adapted this global view of the world and how I fit into it, I’ve decided to host a group of fashionable, intelligent, travel-loving women who believe in giving back. So I’m planning a trip that will involve a fashion twist with a visit to local charities… along with social gatherings that bring together black designers, fashion photographers and other members of the Paris’ who’s who among professionals of color or not of color, just cool people… many happen to be my friends.

My wish for this exclusive, yet personal trip—that every girl gets to see Paris as I’ve seen it. A place that allows you to explore your creativity, talk about world events with people from other cultures and challenges you to do something that you’ve never done before. It’s also a place that will inspire you to take a risk and follow what’s in your heart. No matter how many times I visit Paris, I always come away with something even more amazing than before.

So I’ll spend the next few months planning this amazing experience with my friends so that it accomplishes all that I have in mind. And thanks to a friend from London who inspired me to do something ambitious.. by simply saying "I hope you do it!" But make no mistake, it will be HAUTE and Trés Chic!

Are you ready for Paris?


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