What’s HAUTE in my Travel Bag?

Going on a long road trip or just bouncing around town? Don’t forget to stay hydrated with a bottle of HINT water. The all natural, unsweetened essence water is perfect in helping you beat the heat. I recently checked into the Hyatt Regency in Louisville, Kentucky with a bottle of Hint water in my bag. Just a sip and you’ll stay hydrated without all the calories that come from sugar! I love the flavors… watermelon is my new fave!

To learn more visit www.drinkhint.com or join them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drinkhint

Jet setting around the world can cause you to neglect your workout routine. But now you can take your daily workout on the road to get your haute body tight! I recently received a set of 3 DVD’s dubbed the Montenegro Method to help me stay physically active while on the go. All you need is 21 minutes to workout without leaving your hotel room for the gym so no equipment is needed. And the diet guide book with over 60 meal options is small enough to fit into your purse. So watch what you eat to stay fit!

What's in your travel bag that helps you stay fit and refreshed?


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