Here we go again

Remember last night when I mentioned I was a little nervous about the ice maker in the fridge?  Well, my worst fears came true last night.  Not only was the fridge not making ice, but the temps were creeping upwards.  Along about 10:00 pm, I emptied most of the food from the freezer that I had been stockpiling for my journey and took them up to the bunkhouse freezer section of that refrigerator.  I’m sure glad I did.  By this morning the freezer was at 50* and the fridge part was at 70*.

I’ll be doing battle with Samsung once again.  It is almost two years ago that the same thing happened to me while I was traveling.  At least this time, I’m at a place where I could move my freezer contents to a safe place. 

I called Samsung this morning, and they are supposedly finding someone to repair it.  Of course it will take up to 2 days for them to get a hold of me to set up an appointment.  If I receive no contact, I’m to call Samsung back.  I don’t have a very good feeling about this in the pit of my stomach.  I’m not exactly close to a metropolitan area.

I reread all of my blog posts from two years ago to refresh my memory on what happened last time with the same situation.  I would just like to say that this sucks!  In the meantime, I’m once again using my bottom freezer area as a cooler.  I’ll be making trips to town each day to buy ice. 

I really doubt I’ll be able to leave by Thursday, and that makes me feel bad.  My plans included stopping at Sam and Donna’s place near St. Louis to visit for a few days, and Donna has already arranged some time off from work.  Last time, no one would consider fixing the fridge, and I had to hot foot it to my favorite repair place in Scott, LA, for a replacement.  I can’t believe I got two lemons in a row!

I sure hope ‘Minnesota Nice’ means someone will fix my refrigerator…

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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