Reaching my limit :(

The past nine days have been a real whirlwind for me.  After doing a crane tour a week ago Saturday and working the VC, I headed to Gulfport to pick up my daughter and grandgirl from the airport.  We had a busy and wonderful visit for several days.  Then on Tuesday, my friends Colin and Denise arrived from England for a day on the refuge.  Wednesday after work, Marti and Paul Dahl pulled in for a visit that night, and a tour on Thursday. 


I worked the VC on Friday, and did another tour on Saturday, and worked the VC in the afternoon.  On the morning tour we saw a few cranes, and I was able to get this close up of the eagle with one of its young.  The other youngster was down in the nest eating the food its parent had brought.  Coolest thing about this encounter is that we could hear the young ones begging for food.

Friday is when I had the first inklings of catching the cold my daughter and grandgirl had shared with me.


Then, right after sunset last night Peggy and Paul (good friends and fellow volunteers) pulled in with their rig for an overnight stay.  Since John and Diana, Peggy and Paul, and I have all volunteered together at Balcones Canyonlands NWR a couple of times, we all went out for a late dinner last night.  This morning I showed them around the Visitor’s Center for a while.  They had to soon leave for a destination in Florida. 

After running a few errands in town this afternoon, I sat down outside in my rocker with Emma and that’s when it hit me.  I was pooped!  I decided that I had reached my limit.  I’m still battling the onslaught of the cold, but I think I’m winning. 

Hardest thing for me to do this evening was to send an email to someone named Mary that had read my blog and asked for a tour on Tuesday.  I had to bow out of that commitment.  I need a couple of days to recuperate, catch up on neglected chores, and just relax before working again on Wednesday.  She has been most gracious and understanding.  I really feel bad about backing out of that, but sometimes you just have to put your own health and well being first.  I believe this is a difficult thing for many women to realize. 

I wouldn’t change one minute of the last nine days (except for the cold), and thoroughly enjoyed my time with family and good friends.  Guess I just need a little down time before revving up the social engines again.  Winking smile

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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