Dear Hiking, although you're not my favorite thing to do in Korea (hiking in Korea is like a buns of steel workout, straight up stairs to the top) I'm glad we've started exploring more of the mountains and gorgeous views on our island. And maybe I'll even get a little booty out of it instead of the flat backside excuse that I have now. Dear Inner Martha Stewart, pinterest has brought you out once again but I just can't justify doing any more DIY projects when this is not our permanent home. I need to stop! Dear Students, this is how your latest speaking test went. Me: what did you have for breakfast? Student: yes...7 o'clock...breakfast. Me: close enough. Dear Apartment Hunting, this is the 8th move in 6 1/2 years. You would think I would be used to it by now but when you're moving from a place you love and trying to choose between a huge place that dark, dirty and old or a brand new place that just barely fits a bed...it's not so fun anymore. Prayi...