Can it have only been 1 year?
This weekend marks a year from when R asked me to be marry him. Can it have only been a year? So much has happened in 12 months and while marriage has been an adjustment I still have a hard time imagining life if we hadn't gone down this path. We have moved 3 times. I have taken 10 flights (half international). We have found a church, found a job, made a home. We have exponentially more worldly possessions (in the form of generous wedding gifts, a craig's list sofa, a hand-me-down bed & loveseat and the long-awaited kitchen table & chairs). When I stop and think about all this change I usually am not sure how we got here, and so I know it must be the Lord. He continues to provide and draw us close to Him. He continues to humble us and show us our need for Him. He is guiding us in as we learn how to "be". The night R asked me to marry him changed our lives forever and I will never forget it. I was truly surprised even though I hoped it was coming. W...